Ah...the joys of my college Campus.
Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying this term at college exceedingly, my favorite so far. I feel as if I have a better support system, my own study program, classes for the most part that I thoroughly enjoy, and motivation and drive.
I have to admit though, it peeves me to hear when professors blatantly misinform entire classes with unnecessary and insipid bits of information. Despite the seeming harmlessness of the statements that they make, the implications are not without consequence, and such professors are sending a message(often false) and either furthering their own agendas, or stroking their own egos.
The statement in question came in my "Human Development" course. We were going over the stages of development from Conception, to Birth.
Without further ado, the statement,
"By the way, a woman in not considered pregnant until implantation occurs."
Wait....what? Okay did the research. After extensive googling(yes, I just made google into a transitive verb) and finding about 10 websites with articles on this very issue I found multiple answers. About half agreed.
The predominant one I found with this opinion had some other fun stuff(note sarcasm) to say on the issue.
"When Does Pregnancy Begin?
Although widespread, definitions that seek to establish fertilization as the beginning of pregnancy go against the long-standing view of the medical profession and decades of federal policy, articulated as recently as during the Bush administration. In fact, medical experts—notably the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)—agree that the establishment of a pregnancy takes several days and is not completed until a fertilized egg is implanted in the lining of the woman's uterus. (In fact, according to ACOG, the term "conception" properly means implantation.) A pregnancy is considered to be established only when the process of implantation is complete (see box, page 8)."
Its the Guttmacher Site. This nonsense and propaganda jargon is to be expected. I expect my professor had these implications in mind when he made this statement, that contraception is alright, because its only causing death to the baby by not allowing it to implant. It then goes on to redefine conception and the like, to fit the agenda that the morning after pill, and other abortafacients and contraceptives, are alright.
Another site I found said something quite opposite. When the term of the pregnancy is considered, in order to calculate development of the baby, it is calculated from the point of the first day of your last menstrual period.
Let me get this straight, you're not pregnant until implantation, but your doctor will calculate your pregnancy as starting from a time period that is significantly before that? That just doesn't make any sense.
Dear Professors,
Stop spewing forth lies, and if you are not sure on the subject, you probably shouldn't pronounce your opinions to the world, and especially not to highly impressionable college students, as if they were facts.
Dear Abortion Mills and Your Kind,
Stop spewing contradictory nonsense. We see right through your agenda, and in due time, even those with their eyes firmly locked shut, will see through you as well.
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