...especially if you want to get angry and lash out about the subject about which you are initially ignorant.
Two weeks ago the Pro-Life club at my school, of which I am a member, organized an event to raise awareness about the murderous act of abortion.
The display, which pictured baby clothes strung out on a clothesline with a red x through every fourth, was put up on a Monday morning, early, by myself and my groups wonderful President.
Tuesday morning the display looked like this,
Two weeks ago the Pro-Life club at my school, of which I am a member, organized an event to raise awareness about the murderous act of abortion.
The display, which pictured baby clothes strung out on a clothesline with a red x through every fourth, was put up on a Monday morning, early, by myself and my groups wonderful President.
Tuesday morning the display looked like this,
Ah...very mature fellow University compadres. If by mature, I here mean puerile and froth with pusillanimity(I just wanted to use that word sooo bad today).
In response to this, our group simply put it back up.
This display was very important to our group.To have someone rip it down showed to us something many of us already realized: the dissent of thought, and more specifically, a dissent from truth.
Further confirming this dissent were the things I heard whilst sitting next to said display, to get a feel for the reaction, which it most assuredly spurred.
"1 out of 4 dies; that means 3/4 lives! Thats enough."
"O my gosh! Haha, according ot Guttmacher."
"Abortion is hilarious."
"If you really care about babies then donate those clothes to the babies."
"What the fuck?"
"Thats a lie."
"Tear them down."
"I don't want to see that, I don't want to look at that."
"This isn't what we should be worried about."
The musings of the ignorant and confused- but lets not give them the benefit of the doubt, shall we?
The musings of the willingly ignorant.
At the core again I find a dissent from truth to be a problem. Not only am I convinced that dissent from truth is the problem, but an apathy towards finding out the real truth of a situation, before silly judgements are made, or vandalism acted.
None of those who claimed our statistic to be wrong moved to correct it, or to seek actual knowledge of the subject.
None of those who for several nights vandalized the display, shrouded by the darkness, had the gall to openly oppose the message in the light of day.
When ignorance leads to uneducated statements and actions, it is no longer bliss.
I respect my University's dealing with these problems, and even applaud their interactions with my group as having been most helpful. It seems ironic though, with the ideology of the University being "tolerance", that students would partake in actions that are contrary to this ideology.
In the words of Martin Luther King,
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."